Buy Whitesmann’s Election Laws and Practice in India
Latest Edition, Genuine Quality, Lowest Price. Published by: WhitesMann Publishing Co.
The book aims to guide the Legal Practitioners, Advocates, Academicians, Scholars and Students for getting an in depth knowledge about the scheme of things under the Election laws in India. The book aims to cover a neutral aspect of the subject by focusing on the law, legal implications, provisions under the respective statutes and rules, precedents, case studies etc. By way of this book, neither the Author nor the publisher promotes/aims to promote any ideologies and/or thoughts of any particular political
With the 2nd edition of this Book, the Author has aimed to include all the major developments in the election laws post the 1st edition (2020-2021), by adding about the recent amendments and developments taken place to the Representation of the People Act, 1950, Representation of the People Act, 1951, the relevant rules along with the land mark judgments and observations by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble High Courts.
The Chapters in the book aim to cover and explain in detail the wide range of topics pertaining to the recent as well as the past trends relating to but not limited to the aspects of Electoral Bonds, Floor Test, Office of Profit; Anti-Defection; Election Petition, Election Commission of India, Election of the President and Vice President in India, Voter’s Right to know the Antecedents of the Candidate, Qualification and Disqualification of Candidates, Election Symbols, Registration and Recognition of Political Parties, Corrupt practices, Electoral offences, difference between the Corrupt Practices and Electoral Offences, Educational Qualification for Candidates, Election Expenses, Recriminatory Petition, Model Code of Conduct, Opinion and Exit Polls, Role of Media; Reservation for Women in Parliament and State Legislatures, validity, procedure, scrutiny, rejection & withdrawal of nominations, etc.
Various segments of the book have been explained by giving examples and illustrations. For a better understanding the usage of diagrams, flow charts and tabular representations have been incorporated.
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