Buy Whitesmann’s Digest of Supreme Court on Rape, Murder and Rape & Murder
Latest Edition, Genuine Quality, Lowest Price. Published by: WhitesMann Publishing Co.
- Bail
- DNA Evidence
- Murder
- Conviction
- Hymen Intact
- Attempt to Murder
- Acquittal
- No marks of violence
- Culpable Homicide
- Quashment
- Delay in FIR
- Punctured wound
- Discharge
- Two Finger test
- Intention / mens rea
- Rape / POCSO/ Age of Victim/ Accused
- Adultery
- Landmark case / Celebrated / leading cases
- Participation of Accused
- Rape on the pretext of Marriage
- Spur of Movement
- Gang Rape
- Blood Stained Cloths
- Rape in Custody of Police
- Poof of Injuries
- Dying declaration
- Common Intention
- Circumstantial evidence
- Deadly Weapons
- Consensual Relationship
- Unlawful Assembly
- Unnatural Offences
- Juvenile
- No external injuries
- Marriage between parties
- Complete penetration
- Kidnapping and rape
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