Buy BM Gandhi’s Hindu Law by Sumeet Malik.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction and Origin
- Sources and Operation
- Joint Family
- Debts
- Partition and Reunion
- Impartible Estates
- The Rule of Damdupat
- Benami Transactions
- Gifts and Wills
- Religious and Charitable Endowments
- Stridhana
- Woman’s Estate
- Inheritance under the Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools before 1956
- Exclusion from Inheritance and Partition
- Law as to Illegitimate Children
- Marriage
- Succession
- Adoption
- Maintenance
- Minority and Guardianship
- A Postscript
- Appendix
- Subject Index
Latest Edition, Genuine Quality, Lowest Price. Published by: Eastern Book Company [EBC]
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BM Gandhi’s Hindu Law by Sumeet Malik